

Your investment will help shape the next generation of leaders.

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

— Luke 2:52


Why should you give to

Gospel Light Baptist Academy?


Gospel Light Baptist Academy is preparing the next generation of Christians by teaching a biblical worldview that dictates our behavior and the behavior of our children to reflect godly principles. We exist to:

  • EDUCATE students with academic excellence based on the principles of God's Word

  • INSPIRE students to a life of learning and growing mentally and spiritually

  • EQUIP students to be successful in the sight of God and others to the fulfillment of the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ (Luke 2:52)

  • DEVELOP students with a heart for reaching others for the cause of Christ

With Jesus as our example, we aim to grow our students academically, physically, spiritually, and socially. We count it our highest honor to enter into the labor of others in training young lives. Investing in Gospel Light Baptist Academy allows you to enter into that labor as well, and it is our distinct privilege to invite you to join us.


Who Your Donation Will Impact.

  • Deserving students with legitimate financial challenges

  • Spiritual students with a passion to serve God

  • Committed students who are dedicated to finishing school

  • Faithful students who will honor your investment


GLBA Scholarship Fund

Your planned gift to Gospel Light Baptist Academy will allow you to make a significant impact on the future of our students. There are many who would love to attend GLBA but struggle with the financial means to be enrolled or that struggle financially to maintain their monthly tuition. Your recurring gift to GLBA will impact and change a life.

To become a sponsor of the GLBA Scholarship Fund please contact us at


Lyric Martinez

Lyric is a product of the GLBA Scholarship Fund. He now has the academic, social and spiritual support he needs to thrive in school and life. Lyric serves in our local church ministries and now has the opportunity to attend youth retreats and events. According to his family’s testimony, his attitude and overall happiness has had a positive change and he is now excited to learn!